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Bathurst Auto Doors is a local family owned business providing Bathurst and surrounding areas with a high quality maintenance and breakdown service for all automatic sliding and swing doors.


  • We have trained professional technicians to carry out maintenance and breakdowns,
  • Written reports are provided standard with all services,
  • We provide a regular routine maintenance service.

Preventative Maintenance

The purpose of preventative maintenance to your automatic doors is:

  • to reduce the likelihood of a breakdown that could risk the security of the property or potentially cause injury.
  • to detect any issues sooner rather than later, therefore saving money on major repairs that could have been prevented.
  • to ensure all safety features are working correctly, as safety comes first and is a big deal.
  • to ensure you are meeting the Australian standards.


Our trained technicians hold a wide range of inductions cards, including WPCG, Pegasus, White card, Security Licenses and many more.

Should you require site specific inductions give us a call to make arrangements.


For all products and parts relating to auto doors please call our shop on (02) 63325128